"Affliction" 2D animated short follows Jaymire as they attempt to navigate the landscape by themself.
Affliction is a story about someone who is alone and ill-equipped, lost in an unfamiliar landscape and looking for a way “home”. Nearing their destination, Jaymire realises they cannot complete this journey alone, but they found their family along the way.
FIRST Animatic
Shot01 BG
Shot01 BG
Shot03 BG
Shot03 BG
Shot05 BG
Shot05 BG
Shot06 BG
Shot06 BG
Shot07 BG
Shot07 BG
Shot09 BG
Shot09 BG
Shot10 BG
Shot10 BG
Shot11 BG
Shot11 BG
Shot12 BG
Shot12 BG
Shot13 BG
Shot13 BG
Shot14 BG
Shot14 BG
Shot15 BG
Shot15 BG
Shot16 BG
Shot16 BG
Shot18 BG1
Shot18 BG1
Shot18 BG2
Shot18 BG2
Shot19 BG
Shot19 BG
Shot20 BG
Shot20 BG
Shot21 BG
Shot21 BG
Shot23 BG
Shot23 BG
Shot24 BG
Shot24 BG
Shot25 BG
Shot25 BG
Shot26 BG
Shot26 BG
Shot27 BG
Shot27 BG
Shot28 BG
Shot28 BG
Colour scripts and keys
Character Key 1
Character Key 1
Character Key 1
Character Key 1
Character turnaround
Character turnaround
Colour Key
Colour Key
Background Keys 1
Background Keys 1
Background Keys 2
Background Keys 2
Background Keys 3
Background Keys 3
Concept art 1
Concept art 1
Concept art 2
Concept art 2
Antelope colour Keys
Antelope colour Keys
(old) character concept art
(old) character concept art
(old) character concept art
(old) character concept art
(old) character concept art
(old) character concept art
(old) character concept art
(old) character concept art